Puget Sound Personnel

The Business Case for Hiring People with Disabilities

At PSP, our supported employment services make it easy for you to hire very capable people with disabilities—men and women who want to work and contribute to your team. Since we provide all the recruitment, training and follow-up support needed at no cost to you, we can add value to your bottom line.

In fact, companies that employ people with disabilities have seen their commitment to diversity translate into higher revenues, lower costs and enhanced innovation.

Higher Revenues

  • Access new and loyal customers. Customers with disabilities and their families and friends represent a trillion dollar market segment. When your employees mirror the market, you gain a lasting customer base.
  • Increase your market share. When asked, 87% of the American public said they would prefer to patronize businesses that hire people with disabilities.
  • Improve productivity through innovative and effective ways of doing business. Matching jobs to employee abilities not only improves labor efficiencies, but is a best practice for any company.

Lower Costs

  • Solve some of your most challenging labor needs. Positions with a high turnover rate or jobs involving repetitive tasks can be reframed around the talents and strengths of people with disabilities.
  • Reduce hiring and training costs by increasing retention. People with disabilities have among the highest retention rates of any labor pool.
  • Reduce costs due to absenteeism. Employees with disabilities receive the highest marks on reliability and dependability.

Enhanced Workplace Innovation

  • Employees with disabilities bring unique experiences and understanding that can transform a workplace and create more efficient and effective business practices.
  • Disability-inclusive teams can stimulate next generation product and service development.

As can be seen, hiring people with developmental or other disabilities is not an act of charity, but a sound business decision for companies both large and small.

Sources: U.S. Department of Labor, Office of Disability Employment Policies and Think Beyond the Label

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Myths & Facts

Myth: Providing accommodations for people with disabilities is expensive.

Fact: Two-thirds of accommodations cost less than $500 and nearly a quarter of them bear no costs at all. Tax incentives for larger accommodations typically offset any one-time-expenditures.*

*Job Accommodation Network


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