All the Help You Need to Succeed
Working opens the door to possibilities. A steady paycheck with benefits earned at a job you love can change your life. It can lead to increased independence and full participation in society.
For over 35 years, PSP has been a leader in helping people with disabilities of all types break down the barriers to employment and find rewarding careers in local companies. We customize our employment services to suit each job seeker's needs and circumstances.
We also take a collaborative approach to ensure the success of every job placement by building long-term relationships between those we support, their families, advocates, job-site managers and co-workers. We feel this level of commitment and caring about your employment success is one of the things that sets us apart.
Are You Eligible for Services?
To be considered for PSP's employment services, a job seeker must:
- Want to work
- Be 21 years of age or older if seeking supported employment services as an individual with developmental disabilities
- Be 20 years of age or older if participating in the school to work program
- Be 18 years of age or older if seeking employment and/or vocational rehabilitation services as an individual with a physical or mental disability
- Live in King, Snohomish or Pierce County
- Receive funding through a King, Snohomish or Pierce County Developmental Disabilities program, Division of Vocational Rehabilitation (DVR), PASS (Plan for Achieving Self-Supports), IRWE (Impairment-Related Work Expenses) or private pay
- Have access to reliable transportation
Contact Katie Peterson (425-562-1231, Ext. 3) for more information about accessing our services.
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How Work Enriches Lives
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Explore how working in
the community impacts
the lives of PSP’s
program participants.
Working with PSP
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Hear what PSP program participants and their families have to say about our services.